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Agile Estimation Techniques (Story Points, Planning Poker)

Estimation is a crucial aspect of Agile development, allowing teams to forecast and plan their work effectively. Here’s a focus on two popular estimation techniques:

  1. Story Points: Story points are a relative measure used to estimate the effort required to complete a user story or task. Rather than assigning specific time units, such as hours or days, teams assign story points based on complexity, effort, and risk. This abstract approach encourages teams to focus on the relative size and effort of tasks compared to one another, rather than getting bogged down in precise time estimates.
  2. Planning Poker: Planning Poker is a collaborative estimation technique where team members assign story points to user stories through discussion and consensus. Each team member independently estimates the story points for a given task, using a deck of cards with values representing different point increments (e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.). After everyone has made their estimate, team members discuss their reasoning and any discrepancies, aiming to reach a consensus on the final estimation.

These techniques foster team collaboration, improve estimation accuracy over time, and provide valuable insights into project complexity and scope. By adopting Agile estimation practices like Story Points and Planning Poker, teams can make more informed decisions and better manage their workloads throughout the development process.

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